Conductor R. Mentzel and the Groszes Blas-Orchester recorded this song in the 1930s. Although the recording is titled Die Wacht am Rhein, there are actually two songs included. The melodies included in this song are Reserve hat Ruh' and Die Wacht am Rhein. The recording does not include any singing voices. According to a video from DailyMotion by user Schellacksammler62, the publishing company was Kristall Best, with a coded number: Kristall Best. 6 Nr. 2029 C 2134.

German Military -3R- Die Wacht am Rhein Marsch-Grosses Blas Orchester-R Mentzel -nY05
Works Cited
Schellacksammler62, "Die Wacht am Rhein Marsch Soldatenmut Gnauck Grosses Blas-Orchester Mentzel." DailyMotion, 2012, Accessed 25 July, 2020.