Sometime in 1922, a musical group called Bauernkapelle recorded their song, In der Heimat, da Gibt's ein Wiedersehn, in New York City, New York with male tenor singers Louis Richling, Karl Koch, and Ernest Balle, and a band. In their band are three clarinets, a flute, three alto horns, a tuba, four cornets, a baritone horn, a trombone, and some trap cases. Unfortunately, the names of the instrumentalists were not recorded, so their identities were lost to history. On October 30, 1922, the recording company, Victor, published Bauernkapelle's song to the public with a label name Victor 73560 and matrix number B-27104/2. The song is a potpourri, for it includes the popular Ich hatt' einen Kameraden Wehrmacht potpourri and the Die Vöglein im Walde German folksong. Other titles included on the vinyl are the title descriptor Soldatenliedermärsche and the additional title Die Vöglein im Walde.

"In der Heimat, da gibt's ein Wiedersehn (Welcome to our native land)." Library of Congress, 2013, Accessed 29 July 2020.
The song is described as a jolly melody that begins with the Wehrmacht potpourri and ends with the German folksong. In the Wehrmacht potpourri is the first stanza of Ich hatt' einen Kameraden and a famous Prussian saying that begins with Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Viktoria and ends with Ja it Herz und Hand fürs Vaterland. Often seen in postcards from the early 21st century in Germany, the Prussian saying is slightly modified with den Säbel in der Hand (then sable in the hand) omitted and the repeat of Ja Herz und Hand replacing it. The text for Ich hatt' einen Kameraden was written by Ludwig Uhland, a popular Prussian poet and literary historian.
Ich hatt einen Kameraden (I had a comrade)
einen bessern findst du nicht (A better one finds you not)
Die Trommel schlug zum Streite (The drummers drum through the battle)
er ging an meiner Seite. (He goes by my side.)
Gloria, Gloria, (Glory, Glory)
Gloria, Viktoria! (Glory, Victory!)
❚: Ja, mit Herz und Hand (Yes, with heart and hand)
Ja, mit Herz und Hand (Yes, with heart and hand)
fürs Vaterland :❚ (for fatherland)
Die Vöglein im Walde (The birds in the wild)
die sangen, sangen wunderschön (They sing, sing beautifully)
In der Heimat, in der Heimat (In the hometown, in the hometown)
da gibt´s ein Wiedersehn! (They have a reunion)
Eine Kugel kam geflogen, (A cannonball came flying)
Gilt's mir oder gilt es dir? (Is it towards me or is it towards you?)
Ihn hat es weggerissen, (It had him swept away)
Er liegt mir vor den Füßen. (He lies at your feet.)
Gloria, Gloria, (Glory, Glory)
Gloria, Viktoria! (Glory, Victory!)
❚: Ja, mit Herz und Hand (Yes, with heart and hand)
Ja, mit Herz und Hand (Yes, with heart and hand)
fürs Vaterland :❚ (for fatherland)
Die Vöglein im Walde (The birds in the wild)
die sangen, sangen wunderschön (They sing, sing beautifully)
In der Heimat, in der Heimat (In the hometown, in the hometown)
da gibt´s ein Wiedersehn! (They have a reunion)
Works Cited
"Ich hatt einen Kameraden (1916 , In der Heimat….)." Volksliederarchiv, 2019, Accessed 29 July 2020.
"In der Heimat, da gibt's ein Wiedersehn (Welcome to our native land)." Library of Congress, 2013, Accessed 29 July 2020.
"Victor matrix B-27104. In der Heimat, da gibt's ein Wiedersehn (Welcome to our native land) / Bauernkapelle." Discography of American Historical Recordings, 2017, Accessed 29 July 2020.